Itinerary Climb Summary

Mount Meru is Sub – Saharan Africa‘s third highest mountain. Its last minor eruption occurred around 1877. Since then activity has been negligible, with small tremors occurring occasionally.

Accessibility                                                                                                                                                               The Park is easily accessible from Arusha city, Moshi town and Kilimanjaro International Airport. It is about 32 Kilometers from Arusha and 40 Km from Kilimanjaro Int. Airport.

Itinerary Climb Details

Day 1: Momella Gate (1,500 m) to Miriakamba (2,500 m):

Visitors spends a first night at Miriakamba Accommodation Center (2,500 m). From Momella Gate to Miriakamba there are two routes; Southern and Northern route.

Southern route (road): takes 5 hours walk from Momella Gate to Miriakamba Accommodation Center. Through this route, visitors have chances to see almost all mammals found in the forest including hornbill, Hartlaub’s turaco and birds of prey. It is possible to see several species of butterflies such as Mocker Swallow tailed, Soldier commodores, Blue Swallow tailed, Golden winged forester, Emperor, Mother of pearl etc. Visitors will pass through the montane forest where different features such as the Fig Tree Arch, Maio Waterfalls and different kind of vegetation such as Wild mango, African olive, Strangler fig and Wild elder could be seen. At about 2,300 m the higher montane forest begins. Common trees are Juniper and Podo. The common beautiful wild flowers are Empetient species, Red hot pocker, Orchids, Fire ball lily and Gladiolus.

Northern route: Takes between 3-4 hours from Momella gate to Miriakamba Accommodation Centre. This is the shorter and steeper route. Along this route the views of Mt. Kilimanjaro and Momella Lakes are spectacular. Common animals along this route are Cape buffalo, Maasai giraffe, Warthogs, Bushbuck etc. Present birds are Hartlaub’s turaco, White Fronted Bee Eaters, Fiscal Shrike, Tropical Boubou, Stone Chat, Variable Sun birds and Olive Pigeon. Common beautiful wild flowers are Red hot pocker, Blue violet, Cynium, Tubalosum and Gladiolus.

Day 2: Miriakamba to Saddle Accommodation Center (3,750 m):

It takes 3-4 hours. Along this portion of the route visitors do enjoy the spectacular view of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Momella Lakes, Meru crater, Ashcone, Mt. Meru cliff and the Little Meru. Through the forest, common animals include Buffalo, Bushbuck, Elephant, Black & White Colobus.

Attractive wild flowers such as Empetient species, Red hot pocker, Orchids, Fire ball lily, Gladiolus, Giant lobelia, Everlasting flowers (Helcrysum, Senecio and Alchemilla). Common shrubs are Erica arboreas, Stoebe Kilimandcharica, Leonotis nepatifolia, Mosses and Lichens. The trail takes the visitors through striking tree species such as Hygenium abyssinica, Nuxia congesta, Podocarpus and Hypericum tevolutum. The ascend of Little Meru is possible even during the afternoon.

Day 3: Saddle Accommodation Center to Summit:

Takes 5-6 hours. This is the place where visitors enjoy the most views of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Little Meru, Meru Crater, Ashcone, Momella lakes, Cliff face, Meru summit, Ngorongoro crater highlands, Arusha town, sunrise and sunset. Klipspringers and mountain Reedbuck are seen over rocks. Birds like White necked raven, Bearded vultures, Stone chat, Cliff chat and Alpine swift can be seen in this higher elevation. While walking along the trail to Saddle it is possible to step on wild flowers like Alchemilla, Helicysum and Iris flowers. The start for the summit is made early in the morning. After reaching the summit at 4,566m visitors’ do walk all the way back to Miriakamba Accommodation Centre.

Day 4: Miriakamba to Momella Gate:

Visitors, who went through the shorter route while ascending, can descend via the longer route or vice versa. Hurrying-up while going down is not advisable. Please take your time to enjoy scenic beauty as well as occasional sightings of game. AGEMA Tours and Safaris vehicle will be waiting at the gate for transfer to Arusha town or Airport.


Climbing Pricing Terms

Price Includes the Following:

  1. Local Taxes and park fees
  2. Transfers to and from Airport
  3. Hotel a night before and after the climb (BB)
  4. Transfer from your hotel to and from starting point
  5. Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Rescue Team)
  6. Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only)
  7. Qualified English Mountain guide, assistant guides, porters and cook (Other languages on special request)
  8. Salaries for mountain crew as per guidelines set by Kilimanjaro National Park
  9. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain
  10. Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs, tables)
  11. Water for washing up daily
  12. Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs) from one camp to the next camp.
  13. Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt

The Price Excludes the Following:

  1. Flights and airport taxes
  2. Compulsory tips for guides, porters and cook
  3. Highly recommended travel and medical insurance.
  4. Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania
  5. Snacks, personal medicine and water purifying tablets
  6. Any items and or requirements of a personal nature